Editorial norms regarding the manuscripts for the
Yearbook of the Institute of Social Sciences Sibiu
The Yearbook of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu of the Romanian Academy is an academic journal published since 1994. The studies - signed by researchers from the Sibiu Institute, but also from other university, cultural or research institutions in Romania and from other countries – published over the years, approached topics in the fields of history, archeology, sociology, literary history, linguistics, culture, art, ethnology, reviews and reading notes.
The editors reserve the right to reject materials of no scientific value and may request the authors to revise the texts to meet the specific professional requirements of the journal. Only original articles are accepted, written in Romanian, English, French, Italian and German, reviewed by two internal or external specialists before being published.
The manuscripts are to be submitted under their electronic form saved as “*.doc” or “*.rtf” files, at the email addresses of the editorial secretary (mariatiplic@icsusib.ro) or the chief editor (andaluciaspanu@yahoo.com).
The manuscripts’ texts will be drawn up on A4 sized paper, with margins measuring 2.5 cm. The Times New Roman font shall be used, measuring 12 points for the text of the manuscript – each row being placed at 1.5 lines, with their respective paragraphs of 1.5 cm –, and 10 points for the footnotes. Manuscripts between 10 and 30 pages (including illustrations) will be taken into account.
Even though the editorial office is in charge of proofreading the received materials, it still recommends that the authors spell check their texts before sending them out.
Due to the peer-review system, that the journal has embraced, the material’s first page must separately contain the following information regarding the author / authors, written both in Romanian (or the one chosen by the author for the manuscript), as well as in English: the complete name, the scientific title and profession, the institutional affiliation and position, its address, phone number and email address.
Regardless of the language in which the texts have been drawn up (including English), the manuscripts are to be accompanied also by a Romanian written abstract, as well as an English written one, each varying between 150-300 words. The paper’s title and key words (between 5 and 10) are also to be translated in English.
If the paper contains illustrations, charts or other graphic elements, these have to be submitted in separate folders (as “*.jpeg” files) at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The Editorial office reserves its right to intervene in the graphic material. The manuscripts containing graphic materials will contain a List of illustrations (completely translated in English), as well as references regarding the illustrations’ placement and order inside the text (or at the end of it), as well as their respective captions or indications about their content.
In order to enlarge the journal’s international visibility (which is already ERIH Plus, CEEOL and Index Copernicsu indexed), we have adopted a notation and bibliographical system used more and more within the scientific journals, namely the The Chicago Manual of Style, of which one is able to find information under the following link: https://chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html.
The editorial office does NOT accept essay-like materials lacking critical apparatus.
Any bibliographical reference, within the text or the critical apparatus, that isn’t written in Romanian or one of the international languages mentioned has to be followed by its translation (placed between straight brackets) in the language in which the text has been drawn up (Romanian or an international language). The references drawn up in Slavic characters will be transliterated according to the norms used by the Romanian Academy.
The editorial office
Academia Română
Institutul de Cercetări
Socio-Umane Sibiu
Bulevardul Victoriei nr. 40
550024, Sibiu, România
Tel: 0269-212604
Fax: 0269-216605
E-mail: secretariat@icsusib.ro